YESIC Teaser Blush 颊彩篇

YESIC Teaser Blush 颊彩篇2018-10-31T09:54:27+00:00

YESIC Teaser Blush 颊彩篇

·广告片 - 美妆/护肤2.6k播放1.2k人气值
发布时间:2018-10-31 17:54


玛丽黛佳推出全新彩妆品牌YES!IC,强调最真实与舒服的美。 After the success of last commercial of the eyeshadow kit (小魔盒), Marie Dalgar came back to partner with DDSH on two spots for the launch of their second brand “YES! IC”. The brand is targeting towards a younger crowd, which is aiming to create a comfortable, equal dialogue with its consumers. Different from the vibrant, colorful aesthetic from Marie Dalgar, YesIC uses more harmonious color palette for a more approachable tone and manner. Post Production: Digital Domain

