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发布时间:2018-09-19 16:14


我們時常忘記,除了人類,仍有許多生物與我們共享同一片土地。當人類因一己之便、無心或恣意地破壞環境,導致其他非人類住民無家可歸,難道只有犧牲一方才是唯一的解決之道嗎?當我們依舊只從人類需求思索我們的未來,真的可以帶來幸福快樂的結局嗎? 2018關渡國際自然藝術季,以「從此過著幸福快樂的日子?」這句童話故事結尾慣用語,向「以人類為中心」的觀點提出批判,探究一種更具他者關懷的生存倫理,並期待激起對話,共同想像一個能與所有住民共生共榮的永續未來。 故事正在繼續,你的理想結局是甚麼呢? We human beings often fail to remember there are other inhabitants share this planet with us. Nowadays humans keep destroying the environment intentionally or not, whereas other inhabitants keep losing their home. Is this win-lose situation the only scenario we can imagine? Can we assure the ending of the story if we still think the future based on our own demand? 2018 Guandu International Nature Art Festival use \\\\\\\"live happily ever after,\\\\\\\" the stock phrase used in fairy tales, to critically review the \\\\\\\"human-center\\\\\\\" philosophy. We aim to explore the ethics with the care of others and to ignite dialogues. In this way, it is possible to facilitate a sustainable future which all inhabitants can coexistence and mutual prosperity. The story goes on, what is your ideal ending?


