美国运通信用卡 Powerful Backer (Twins)

美国运通信用卡 Powerful Backer (Twins)2018-10-12T06:51:47+00:00

美国运通信用卡 Powerful Backer (Twins)

·广告片 - 地产/金融·宣传片 - 人物4.2k播放1.6k人气值
发布时间:2018-10-12 14:51


孖生兄弟Caleb及Josh Ng放弃投资银行的高薪厚职,勇敢追寻自己的梦想,为此迎来了人生最大的挑战。在背后支撑着两位继续坚持下去的,究竟是什么?听听Caleb及 Josh的故事,了解这一种Powerful Backing如何撑起每个人的生活 Twin brothers Caleb and Josh Ng faced their greatest challenge when they gave up their jobs in investment banking to pursue their dream. What kept them going? Check out Caleb and Josh’s story and learn how powerful backing empowers us to achieve our goals, and enriches our lives

