《起义, Chi-Yi》

《起义, Chi-Yi》2018-11-02T10:59:53+00:00

《起义, Chi-Yi》

·剧情短片 - 悬疑·剧情短片 - 科幻2.8k播放1.0k人气值
发布时间:2018-11-02 18:592K


《起义, Chi-Yi》 林钰庭 所执导的实验性艺术短片:《起义 Chi-Yi》,配乐及动画部分分别邀请到 林 强 与 许志远 所组成的 志乐制乐 及 日本3D艺术家 前原翔太 (SHOTA MAEHARA) 共同合作。影片抬头是由台湾新创革制品牌 KAI Leatherwork 设计师 杨舜凯 挥毫题字设计;服装则是由新锐服装设计师 XIWI 张洊玮 操刀 。 起义既为中性词,不该仅局限在“武⼒推翻”。思想内的波涛汹涌,亦为温柔的反抗、温柔的起义。   “Y”是⼀位⽣存于社会⼤浪潮底下的青年。 如同与他年纪相仿的少年们⼀般:他有着清澈的双眸、干净的⽪质、瘦长的⾝材、清秀的脸庞。 他无所事事,对于⽣存绝望,他讨厌时间。 政府为了社会和谐所执⾏的开发⼯程:社会优⽣学⼯程, 其⾸要铲除的对象就是带有绝望、反叛意识且无所事事的青年,如同“Y”。 “Y”和他那⼀票中国青年以及俄罗斯青年有⼀个属于他们的空间。 他们在那边从事思想犯罪,却也仅仅是思想犯罪。 “Y”独⾃在空间⾥被隶属于政府的公安课警卫个体逮补,并被要求原地处刑。 被上铐的该青年反⽽像机器般没了情绪, 只是努⼒透过上了⼿铐的双⼿,在处刑前再多要⼀根烟抽。 他没有⾏为肢体的反抗,不代表他屈服体制。 他想起了他的情⼈。 在那喷上“4EVER YOUNG”的墙壁前,恬静的享受属于⾃⼰的宁静片刻。 前原翔太 SHOTA MAEHARA 日本的数位艺术家。 2015 年开始着手 3D 绘画艺术,不断创作、实验,探索吸引人性的数位表达方式。近期的作品大多暗示了孤立的个人内心世界。并非以生物学角度探讨与他人的关系,而是单纯尝试定义孤独的存在。 个 人 网 站 | http://shotamaehara.com/ 林 强 在发行个人第三张专辑《娱乐世界》后,便投入电子音乐的领域。之后的音乐作品以电影配乐居多,包括《千禧曼波》、《天注定》、《刺客聂隐娘》等多部电影配乐。并获得金马奖 : 最佳原创电影音乐、坎城影展 : 坎城电影原声带奖等多项肯定。 2015 年 林强 与 许志远组成 志乐制乐 工作室,受儒释道思想启蒙,以志于道,成于乐。志勉,故名“志乐”。 许志远   于 1990 年接触 DJ,2002 年学习录音工程,而后开始尝试音乐创作。曾担任“泼猴乐团”DJ,也与剧场、电影形式等进行创作。作品擅于探讨东 西方之间的神秘,并混合超现实电气与自然感受,试图营造无国界的音乐氛围。 XIWI 张洊玮 Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/XIWIStyle/ 个 人 网 站 | http://xiwistyle.wixsite.com/xiwi 故事设定&导演 | 林钰庭  音乐 | 志乐制乐 ( 林 强 / 许志远 ) 制片 | 林钰庭 摄影 | 林以勒  美术 | 林钰庭  造型 | 张洊玮 @ XIWI 张洊玮 发型 | 黄怡萍 @ Flux Réel Hair Boutique, 江宏松 @ Flux Réel Hair Boutique, 许书绮 @ Flux Réel Hair Boutique 化妆 | 宋冠瑜  演出 | 撒秋, Iga Batyuchok, 詹子萱, 洪旸策, James De Stadler, 林钰庭, Michael Urban, Aidan Peter, 张洊玮, 高曼华, 潘纲大 声音演员 | 撒秋, 王韦杰 剧照 | 张芝安  视觉 | 林钰庭, 杨舜凯  片头字体设计 | 杨舜凯 3D动画师 | 前原翔太 SHOTA MAEHARA 剪接 | 林钰庭  调光 | 周耿佑, 林钰庭  声乐部分 | 洪旸策 场地协力 | 台北市电影委员会, 郭竹耘, 吕易霖  特别感谢 | 王韦杰, 杨健群, Lenke Anna Bartha, 聂康杰, 林孝蔚, 李晴天, 徐翔亭, 吴升晃, 郑佩欣 / Lin Yu Ting directed a new experimental short film :《起义, Chi-Yi》. This film made with strong music background and 3D graphics from Aspiration music productions (DJ Point & Lim Giong) and Digital artist, Shota Maehara. The title of movie is made from Yang Shun Kai designer in KAI Leatherwork, and clothing design is made from Xiwi Chang designer. “The uprising” is a neutral word and it should not be confined to “violence”. It is the thought of revolution, but also with the gentle resistance. For instance, “Y” is a youth who lives in a normal society. He just like other people same as his age, with a pure thought and passion, but he still feels sad to the society. For the development of peaceful, the government decided to make a plan of social eugenics engineering. Learning, this plan is to kill all the young people with desperate, rebellious and unemployment like “Y”. “Y” has been punished, due to the thoughtcrime. He belongs to a political party running by the Chinese youth and Russian youth, and they are engaged in thoughtcrime in a secret place. Someday, “Y\" stay alone in this secret place, and he was attacked by the government\'s safe guards of public security section, and was asked to be sentenced. This youth who was acted like a machine, but he did not have a lot of anger and just ask for a cigarette to smoke. He suddenly started to miss of his lover, they were sprayed the wall of \"4EVER YOUNG\", and enjoy the quiet moments in his mind. SHOTA MAEHARA Is Digital artist based in Japan. 
He started 3D graphics art from 2015, keep chasing experimental works and explores the digital expression which appeal to human nature.
Most of his recent works are present the isolated individual inner world, and that means the isolated existence from considerations is how and which parts of our biologically isolated mind and connected with the others.
 Website| http://shotamaehara.com/ Lim Giong After release his third album《Entertainment World》, he started to dig to the electronic music, and most of his music is film soundtracks. Such as 《Millennium Mambo》,《A Touch of Sin》and 《The Assassin》. Also, he won the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival: Best Original Film Song and Cannes Film Festival: Soundtrack Award etc. In 2015, Lim Giong and DJ Point made a band, called Aspiration music productions, which the meaning of there band name was from the theory of Confucian. DJ Point Started to play DJ in 90s, in 2002, he learned recording music and started to make music at the same time. He used to be part of Monkey Insane, and his music like to talk about the mystery between western culture and eastern culture, in order to mix electronic music and nature feeling to present the theory of music is no border. XIWI Chang Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/XIWIStyle/ Website | http://xiwistyle.wixsite.com/xiwi Creator Story & Director | LIN YU TING Music | Aspiration music productions ( Lim Giong / Point ) Producer | LIN YU TING Director Of Photographer | Lin Yi Ler Art Director | LIN YU TING Styling Artist | XIWI Chang @ XIWI Hair Styling Artists | Candy Huang @ Flux Réel Hair Boutique, Jacob Chiang @ Flux Réel Hair Boutique, Eon Hsu @ Flux Réel Hair Boutique Make-Up Artist | Song Kuan Yu Starring | Sa Qiu, Iga Batyuchok, Zhan Tzu Hsuan, Hung Yang Tse, James De Stadler, LIN YU TING, Michael Urban, Aidan Peter, XIWI Chang, Man-Hua Kao, Pan Gang Da Voice Actress | Sa Qiu, Wang Wei Jie Still Photographer | Chihan Chang Visual | LIN YU TING, Yang Shun Kai Logotype | Yang Shun Kai 3D Animator | SHOTA MAEHARA Editor | LIN YU TING Color Grading | Tyler Chou, LIN YU TING Vocal | Hung Yang Tse Scenes Support | TAIPEI FILM COMMISSION, Chu-Yun Kuo, Yi-Lin Lu Special Thanks | Wang Wei Jie, Yang Jian Qun, Lenke Anna Bartha, Niekang Jie, Shiaowei Lin, SUNNIE C.T. LEE, Syoutei Jyo, Wu Sheng Huang, Anita Cheng © 2018. All images and films on this site belong to LIN YU TING. All work is protected by copyright.


