华为MATE 灵感来自于你

华为MATE 灵感来自于你2018-12-23T17:11:51+00:00

华为MATE 灵感来自于你

·广告片 - 手机/数码4.5w播放8.9k人气值
发布时间:2018-12-24 01:11


Background: Smartphones have come a long way, but there are still demands from consumers that haven’t been met. Consumers need a device that knows their habits and offers a more tailored and personal experience. Idea: Inspired by You. Execution: Many Huawei users are curious about our technology and development processes, so we created this fictional lab where we can uncover the various experiments being conducted by our team of hilarious lab technicians. All of the fictional tests are based on actual consumer requests. The video was disseminated online via social media websites.


2017年中国广告长城奖/影片类别铜奖 2017年中国4A金印奖/影片类别铜奖 2017年艾菲实效奖/铜奖 2017年韩国Adstars釜山创意奖/入围


