DEEP LONE All Episodes 深海孤独 全集

DEEP LONE All Episodes 深海孤独 全集2019-01-19T07:53:30+00:00

DEEP LONE All Episodes 深海孤独 全集

·剧情短片 - 悬疑·剧情短片 - 其他6.6k播放736人气值
发布时间:2019-01-19 15:53


如果你和剧中六人一样被困在万米水深的潜水艇里,你还会想活着吗? If you are trapped 10 thousand meters under sea level in a submarine, do you want to survive? 这部六集短剧由一组刚进入上海温哥华电影学院5个月的学生摄制。每集由不同的人担任编剧、导演、摄影、道具服装、声音、剪辑,给这部剧的筹备和后期制作带来了巨大的挑战。该作筹备期一个月,拍摄六天,校方出资8万5千元。特别感谢上海雪涛片场以及上海典力文化传播有限公司,是他们的无偿支持,才让这部剧的诞生成为可能。 This is made by a group of students who were just been in Shanghai Vancouver Film School for 5 months. Each episode is written, directed, shot, propped, edited, sound designed by different students. This brings a huge challenge. The whole Series was shot in 6 days, and the school provided us 85k RMB in total. Thanks to Shanghai Xuetao Culture Media Co. Ltd., and Shanghai Dianli Media Co. Ltd., without whom this Series could not be done.


