瑞士航空 The people behind SWISS 花絮

瑞士航空 The people behind SWISS 花絮2019-02-15T05:26:03+00:00

瑞士航空 The people behind SWISS 花絮

·宣传片 - 企业8.2k播放2.6k人气值
发布时间:2019-02-15 13:264K


瑞士航空 The people behind SWISS 花絮 We produced more than 16 movies for SWISS International Air Lines during the past two years. This time, the focus is on the people behind the airline. Its about the faces, the departments, the vast variety of different jobs. After reviewing a list of about 900 different positions, we came up with a story that involves 35 different departments. The final piece will be around 5min and more than 100 people will appear in that short amount of time.


