Music Video of "Détache Toi/Shen Jing Mo Shao"

Music Video of "Détache Toi/Shen Jing Mo Shao"2019-03-29T02:20:55+00:00

Music Video of "Détache Toi/Shen Jing Mo Shao"

·音乐/声音 - MV556播放149人气值
发布时间:2019-03-29 10:20


Matthieu Chedid, better known by his stage name -M-, is a French rock singer- songwriter and guitar player. Together with AM444, the music project of Chinese singer/songwriter/dj ChaCha and veteran Dutch producer/musician Jay Soul, he made the song ‘Détache Toi’. JITU assisted as local producer with director Mathieu Demy, a famous French actor, and cinematographer Éponine Momenceau, winner of the Palm d’Or for her film Deephan during the Cannes Film Festival.


