長髮假面 The Long Hair / Suspense 懸疑 / 張大春小說

長髮假面 The Long Hair / Suspense 懸疑 / 張大春小說2017-12-02T19:22:35+00:00

長髮假面 The Long Hair / Suspense 懸疑 / 張大春小說

·剧情短片 - 悬疑797播放313人气值
发布时间:2017-12-03 03:22


雜亂無序的城市裡,我們順應著本能長大,無人能抵抗名利與誘惑,唯一不變的只剩下人性…。 (本故事改編自張大春同名短篇小說。) 成功的作家渡邊健太從日本回到台灣發表新書,不情願的回到這個他瞧不起又厭惡的國家,但他那不堪回首的過去,卻因為他遇到的美麗長髮女子而一一憶起…。 In this messy city, everyone grows up by instinct. Such as fame, gain, and carnal desire, which no one can resist, all we remain is flesh and blood. This story is adapted from Chang Da Chun\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s short novel. Well, it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s been changed beyond recognition already. Watanabe Kenta, a successful Japanese writer, was actually a Taiwanese. He visits Taiwan, a country he\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s been looking down upon, for his new book release. However, all unbearable memories come back to his mind gradually just because of a mysterious lady with beautiful long hair.


