《黑夜即逝》Unforgettable Memories

《黑夜即逝》Unforgettable Memories2019-05-08T10:09:30+00:00

《黑夜即逝》Unforgettable Memories

·剧情短片 - 爱情·剧情短片 - 悬疑4.3w播放3.7k人气值
发布时间:2019-05-08 18:092K


阿硕和以晴隔着精神病院的病房认识彼此。自此之后的夜晚,以晴会带著他躲过监视器和病院里的所有人,来到秘密基地。在白天降临前,两人拥有短暂的美好时光。某天,以晴告诉阿硕一个秘密,户外演奏会是逃跑的好时机,如果被抓到就永远出不去。以晴向阿硕保证,出去后带他去看美丽的夜景,阿硕也向以晴保证永远保护她。黑夜即逝,明早将是两人最好的机会…… Although a wall divides A Shuo and Yi Qing, they still know each other from contiguous sickrooms in the mental hospital. In order to go to secret base, Yi Qing take A Shuo to avoid monitors and all the people in the hospital ever after. Night sessions is the momentary me-time of A Shuo and Yi Qing.One day, Yi Qing tells A Shuo a secret. Open-air Concert is a good chance to jailbreak. If they are busted, they could not leave the hospital forever! Yi Qing promised A Shuo that after they break out, she will take him to see the idyllic night scene. A Shuo also promised Yi Qing that he will have her back evermore. The dark night will be gone. Tomorrow morning will be the best timing for opportunities…


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