My Muthaland 故土

My Muthaland 故土2019-05-30T05:02:44+00:00

My Muthaland 故土

·纪录片 - 人文/历史·纪录片 - 家庭/爱情6.6k播放690人气值
发布时间:2019-05-30 13:02


本片讲述了印度裔美国舞台剧演员米妮塔•甘地的故事。她以表演的方式直面自己的一段黑暗经历,并重新寻回心中的故乡。 My Muthaland is the story of Minita Gandhi, an Indian-American actress who struggles to come to terms with her home country and her father. Minita was born in Mumbai, but moved to the United States when she was less than a year old. \"Muthaland\" is a one-woman show that she wrote and performed, talking about her life, family and a trip back to India in 2009, where her life was forever changed. Produced & Directed by Andrew Fowler ( Yining Zhou Avinash Chak Cinematographer: Yining Zhou Sound Recorder: Avinash Chak Editors: Yining Zhou, Andrew Fowler, Avinash Chak


