Official MV / 大嘴巴 有事吗? / Da Mouth What The…

Official MV / 大嘴巴 有事吗? / Da Mouth What The…2019-07-19T12:05:18+00:00

Official MV / 大嘴巴 有事吗? / Da Mouth What The…

·音乐/声音 - MV633播放146人气值
发布时间:2019-07-19 20:05


[ What The... ] Da Mouth Often it is said that guys and girls are different species, or that men are from Mars and women are from Venus and it is by pure coincidence that we both coincide on planet Earth. There are too many things we do not understand about each other but because we must live together compromises must be made. However, sometimes we can’t hold back our frustration and spurt out the phrase “What the…” Regardless of being a guy or a girl, we should live together in happiness! [ 有事吗? ] 大嘴巴 有事吗?有事吗?有事吗?有事吗?有事吗?有事吗?有事吗? 有事吗?有事吗?有事吗?有事吗?有事吗?有事吗?有事吗? 有人说男生和女生应该不是同一个物种, 或者说是不同星球的灾民逃难刚好在地球相遇, 对彼此有太多的无法理解、太多疑问, 但为了继续一起生活下去, 睁一只眼闭一只眼也是必须的, 但总是会忍不住的一句「有事吗?」 一句泯恩仇。 不管是男生还是女生,大家还是要开开心心的一起相处喔!


