Official MV / 大嘴巴 鲁蛇 / Da Mouth Loser

Official MV / 大嘴巴 鲁蛇 / Da Mouth Loser2019-07-19T12:14:35+00:00

Official MV / 大嘴巴 鲁蛇 / Da Mouth Loser

·音乐/声音 - MV830播放226人气值
发布时间:2019-07-19 20:14


[ Loser ] Da Mouth Let’s remember those times of our youth, the moments filled with nostalgic memories. In preparation for filming this video, we flipped through countless timeless music videos of those early days, including many of which that were filmed on actual tape. Everyone has a treasured golden age that belongs to them. Although we cannot go back in time, we have the ability remember those priceless fragments of time! [ 鲁蛇 ] 大嘴巴 让我们一起来怀念那个年代,那个我们都还青涩的年代, 小虎队、草蜢、城市少女、豹小子、红孩儿... 制作这支MV的过程,不知道看了多少那个年代的“音乐录像带”, 真正的音乐“录像带”, 每个人心中都有一个属于自己的黄金年代, 就算没有回去的能力,也至少让我们有偶尔回忆的权利吧!


