Official MV / 有感觉 再勇敢一点点 / F.E.E.L. Tougher Please

Official MV / 有感觉 再勇敢一点点 / F.E.E.L. Tougher Please2019-07-25T08:54:13+00:00

Official MV / 有感觉 再勇敢一点点 / F.E.E.L. Tougher Please

·音乐/声音 - MV1.8k播放550人气值
发布时间:2019-07-25 16:54


[Tougher Please] F.E.E.L. In the process of our growth, the ignorant, young, years of experimentation and exploration. Two high school girls, good friends; If one day the borders of good friends begin to blur, they start to doubt themself, start to know a certain part, and start trying to understand the fuzzy boundary. When a person bravely crosses the borders of good friends, are good friends still good friends? Are they different from others? [再勇敢一点点] 有感觉 我们在成长的过程中,那一个懵懂、青涩,甚么都在尝试、探索的青春岁月。 两个高中女生,好朋友; 如果有一天对于好朋友的边界开始模糊了,开始对自己怀疑、开始怀疑对方、开始认识某部分的自己、开始尝试理解那个模糊的边界。 当有一个人勇敢的跨越了好朋友的边界,好朋友依然还是好朋友吗?她们,和别人不一样吗?


