Turnthetables 2019 Autumn/Winter

Turnthetables 2019 Autumn/Winter2019-09-07T13:41:48+00:00

Turnthetables 2019 Autumn/Winter

·视觉探索 - 概念短片·短视频 - 生活记录7.1k播放2.4k人气值
发布时间:2019-09-07 21:41


很多人认为“Turnthetables”的起源 和棋盘游戏有着紧密的关联。 也许是因为“Turnthetables”很容易让人联想起: 一个输棋者无奈地幻想着这个棋盘 要是能掉转180度该有多好, 那样赢棋的就是自己了。 下棋者高手对弈,一着不慎,满盘皆输, 一着妙棋也可以化险为夷扭转局面。 这种“反败为胜”的情况就被称作为“Turnthetables”, 表示“竞争双方的优劣局势突然逆转”。 显然,玩这种游戏是需要运气, 在我们的生活中也有着紧密关联, 在某种情况下突然出现极其不利中借助规则之便, 一举反败为胜。 Many people think that the origin of \\\"Turnthetables\\\" and board games are closely related, perhaps because \\\"Turnthetables\\\", it\\\'s easy to let person couplet remember: a check person helplessly fantasizing about the board it would be great if I can turn 180 degrees, win is yourself. Master chess playing chess, a careless move, one false move may lose the game, a clever move can also retaining, reverse the situation, the \\\"missing\\\" is known as \\\"Turnthetables\\\", said the sudden reversal \\\"competitive advantages and disadvantages of both sides situation\\\". Obviously, play this game is need luck, also with strong ties in our life, in some cases detrimental suddenly appeared in using rules of, at one stroke to win.


