


·广告片 - 其他1.1k播放288人气值
发布时间:2019-10-01 11:33


魔术师到我们英国公司总部进行试演我们杰出的魔术师收拾好他的魔法包,从诺丁汉一路来到阳光明媚的德文郡,给我们的英国团队一个惊喜,并在整个办公室表演了一些令人兴奋的戏法!首先,我们的视觉内容经理Tom和他的团队欢迎我们的魔术师来到办公室,并把他介绍给不同的团队。为了尽可能地宣传他,Tom和我们的视觉内容编辑审查了我们的表演者在网站上的不同资料,以确保与我们的客户共享最佳的视觉内容。在深入回顾了我们的魔术师的照片,视频和一般信息后,终于到了一些乐趣!邀请每个人参加30分钟的展示和表演,整个团队聚集在我们的企业活动魔术师周围,他们用各种令人难以置信的读心术让团队惊叹不已。Our outstanding magician packed his magic bags and travelled all the way down from Nottingham to sunny Devon to surprise our UK team and perform some mind-blowing tricks to the whole office!First and foremost, our Visual Content Manager Tom and his team welcomed our magician to the office and introduced him to the different teams. Aiming to promote him in the best light possible, Tom and our visual content editors reviewed our performer’s different profiles on the website to ensure the best visual content was being shared with our clients. After an in-depth review of our magician’s photos, videos and general information, it was finally time for some fun! Inviting everyone to join in for a 30-minute presentation and performance, the whole team gathered around our corporate event magician, who amazed the team with various incredible mind-reading tricks. #EntertainmentSpecialist


