OPPO RENO2 Global Marketing Commercial 60s

OPPO RENO2 Global Marketing Commercial 60s2019-11-05T11:51:33+00:00

OPPO RENO2 Global Marketing Commercial 60s

·广告片 - 手机/数码3.0w播放2.7k人气值
发布时间:2019-11-05 19:51


A series of videos for Oppo global marketing. Those videos has been released as TVCs and in theaters. The Hype/Pixomondo为OPPO制作的系列视频。这些视频将用于海外各地的TVC及影院广告投放。 Conveying the product highlight in storytelling, and appealing to all those markets while respecting the sensibilities when it comes different cultures and restrictions, those were the challenges that need creatives. 如何用讲述故事的方式,将产品亮点自然巧妙的传递给观众。 同时,如何让不同文化背景的观众均能迅速感受到OPPO的品牌精神,并且避开各个地区的视觉禁忌。这些都需依靠创意来解决。 The Hype / Pixomondo acted as the Agency. Creating the concepts and visual treatments. Overall The Hype’s involvement was ideation, creative direction, art direction, story boarding, CG, production etc. The Hype/Pixomondo作为广告代理公司,提供了创意开发,艺术方向。并为客户提供了概念、创意、美术方向、故事版、拍摄、后期、CG制作等全流程服务。 Agency: The Hype / Pixomondo Director: Alex Topaller CD: Aslan Malik (The Hype / Pixomondo) EP: Echo Zhu (The Hype / Pixomondo) DoP: Paul Morris AD: Jingo (The Hype / Pixomondo) Co-Production: Pixomondo X Bakumon Studio Post production: Pixomondo


