Randomevent|随机事件青年纪录片|插画师 - 孙佳艺|人物纪录片

Randomevent|随机事件青年纪录片|插画师 - 孙佳艺|人物纪录片2019-11-10T07:40:18+00:00

Randomevent|随机事件青年纪录片|插画师 - 孙佳艺|人物纪录片

·纪录片 - 人文/历史·短视频 - 生活记录1.8w播放1.5k人气值
发布时间:2019-11-10 15:40


The wave of commerce has not only drowned out the multiplicity of voices, but also silenced numerous young people with rebellious spirits. The "Randomevent Youth Documentary" gathered on Chinese young generation to show the public their attitude towards life, persistence in love, and own interpretation of youth culture in China. 商业的浪潮不仅淹没了各色各样的声音,同时也让众多拥有反叛精神的年轻人趋于沉默。《随机事件》青年纪录片将目标聚焦于当代的中国青年之中,目的是向大众传达他们对生活的态度、对热爱的坚持,以及他们个人对青年文化的解读。 After arriving 6 cities in China, crossing 6233.8 kilometers, and taking 744 hours of footages, our team were able to have numbers of in-depth communications with youngsters from different fields, identities and backgrounds. Through 720 hours of production, a series of documentary that revealed the ideology of 16 Chinese youths were finally presented. 经过744个小时的跟拍,跨越6233.8公里,抵达了中国的6个城市,团队与来自不同领域、不同身份、不同生活背景的年轻人进行了深入沟通与交流。为期720个小时的制作完成后,最终呈现出一系列以反映16位中国青年思想观念为主的纪录短片。


