Okay. The Mac Pro Blew my Mind. Watch This.

Okay. The Mac Pro Blew my Mind. Watch This.2019-12-18T05:26:33+00:00

Okay. The Mac Pro Blew my Mind. Watch This.

·短视频 - 其他824播放213人气值
发布时间:2019-12-18 13:26


来自外网,原视频8K,我压缩到1080。以下是制作者的话: To test out the Mac Pro Afterburner acceleration, I initially created a 4K Multi-Cam project with 9 and even 15 streams of 4.5K Pro Res 4444 XQ video which didn\'t even break a sweat on the Mac Pro. I figured let\'s make an 8K timeline, nah. Let\'s make a 16K timeline and the results blew me away. 大致意思:为了测试Mac Pro Afterburner的加速性能,我最初创建了一个4K 多机位项目,其中包含9个甚至15个4.5K Pro Res 4444 XQ视频流,这甚至没有让Mac Pro汗流夹背。 我想让我们做一个8K的时间线,不。 让我们制定一个16K的时间线,结果令我震惊。


