


·宣传片 - 影视/综艺3.1k播放958人气值
发布时间:2019-12-27 11:032K


好莱坞Independent Shorts Awards最佳黑色电影、最佳黑色喜剧、最佳学生导演 The theme of the film is redemption. It tells a story of a team of three experiencing accidents and conflicts due to their choice, which is backed by their different inner nature. They are all “haunted” in some way, except that only the protagonist achieves his redemption. If we look at each character, our protagonist, Stan, is a lost individual, haunted by the thinking of nothingness. Indulged in his own misery, Stan chooses to follow orders even it’s against his will, until Rick, the antagonist, provokes his awareness of his moral fibre, it's a moment of realization. Then Stan finds the power to turn things around to his way. Rick, however, being manipulative and sophisticated, wants to remain his dominant position. Haunted by ideology of the spectacle and social capitalism, his power lacks moral fibre, which in the end leads to monarchy and destruction. Leo, the Chinese fella, is a curious figure, like most Chinese people, "a walking contradiction". He seems pretty chill, careless even, but when it comes to approaching the unknown force, he presents a serious attitude. Haunted by the uncertainty, he chooses alcohol and cigarettes, part of the so-called ritual, which block out the consciousness. When drunk, he’s fearless again, telling jokes, citing poem, sentimental somehow. To sum up, just like the quotes of Satre in the beginning, existentialism is what this film is about.


好莱坞Independent Shorts Awards最佳黑色电影、最佳黑色喜剧、最佳学生导演


