《当yellow黄不再哭泣》“When Yellow Huang not cry”

《当yellow黄不再哭泣》“When Yellow Huang not cry”2020-01-24T14:22:03+00:00

《当yellow黄不再哭泣》“When Yellow Huang not cry”

·剧情短片 - 其他1.8k播放593人气值
发布时间:2020-01-24 22:22


赛博网络空间中,当代虚拟成功学爽文人物Yellow黄的一生。 创作背景起源于朋友写的一小段黑暗童话,提到了“yellow黄”这个人设。原先的yellow黄是一位沙人不眨眼的冷血博士,但与导演相遇了后产生了化学变化。 这是我自编自导自演的故事,是虚拟人物“yellow黄”在赛博网络空间中发生的系列故事,融合了现实生活中遇到“迷惑事件”。他仿佛生活在网络空间,又存在现实世界中,他处在的世界不分性别,不分国界,不分立场,一切存在即合理。 In internet cyberspace. Life of a virtual character Yellow Huang. This is a story I wrote and directed, and is a series of stories of the virtual character \\\"yellow 黄” in cyberspace, which merges with \\\"confusing events\\\" encountered in real life. He seems to live in cyberspace and exists in the real world. The world he lives in is regardless of gender, nationality, or political position, and everything is reasonable.


