工银信用卡 × 中国银联 | 「十二生肖接力」ICBC x Union Pay

工银信用卡 × 中国银联 | 「十二生肖接力」ICBC x Union Pay2020-02-04T16:49:26+00:00

工银信用卡 × 中国银联 | 「十二生肖接力」ICBC x Union Pay

·广告片 - 地产/金融10.9w播放8.7k人气值
发布时间:2020-02-05 00:49


To celebrate the coming Chinese new year of sober ruler rat, ICBC collaborates with Union Pay to create a 2-min conceptual short film. The film starts from the originals of 12 Chinese zodiacs and turns out to be a dynamic and exciting relay race. 为欢庆鼠年到来,工银信用卡与中国银联合作,推出一支概念性的两分钟短片。视频从十二生肖的传说为起点,带出一段动感刺激的现代接力赛。 Creative agency: LxU Dir: Law Chen EP: Sally Shi PH: Stink Music: audioforce


