


·短视频 - 旅拍5.8k播放815人气值
发布时间:2016-03-24 13:45


马耳他,这座风光旖旎的南欧岛国被称为“地中海的心脏”,碧海蓝天间尘封着王朝更迭的纷乱历史,而地中海文化与英式文化的混血更赋予了它非同一般的人文风情。如今的马耳他,是欧洲著名的休闲度假胜地。港口,灯塔,千帆竞发,古老街巷,还有怡然自得的悠闲生活,令人沉醉于如诗如画的海风中,久久流连。 这部短片是摄影师Alex Soloviev创作的城市影像诗歌系列中的第二篇,本站此前曾发布过他的数部人文行摄短片,如《柏林浮生》、《高地童话》、《帕尔马光影》等。 片中情感深沉的旁白是美国诗人、创作歌手、插画家谢尔·希尔弗斯坦(Shel Silverstein)的名作《人行道的尽头(Where the Sidewalk Ends)》,附原文和小编的拙译如下: Where the Sidewalk Ends 《人行道的尽头》 by Shel Silverstein 作者:谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 There is a place where the sidewalk ends 有一个地方,在人行道的尽头 And before the street begins, 在街道的起点 And there the grass grows soft and white, 那里的草坪纯洁松软 And there the sun burns crimson bright, 那里的艳阳灼热耀眼 And there the moon-bird rests from his flight 那里有小憩的月亮鸟 To cool in the peppermint wind. 沐浴着薄荷般清凉的风 Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black 让我们远离这黑烟弥漫 And the dark street winds and bends. 还有幽暗街道的曲折回转 Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow 跨越沥青如花绽放的深渊 We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow, 我们将缓步慢行 And watch where the chalk-white arrows go 循着石膏白色的箭 To the place where the sidewalk ends. 到那人行道的尽头 Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow, 是的,我们将缓步慢行 And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go, 我们将循着石膏白色的箭 For the children, they mark, and the children, they know 因为孩子们已画下标记,因为孩子们已然知晓 The place where the sidewalk ends. 那是人行道的尽头


