次 Flawed

次 Flawed2020-05-17T05:54:53+00:00

次 Flawed

·音乐/声音 - MV·摄影 - 其他1.2k播放340人气值
发布时间:2020-05-17 13:54


Designed and shot by Chaherige, edited by Yang Jin in 2016, the video embodied my understanding of the most exquisite form of youth— the human body. And to discuss the balance between the inner true-self and the ‘flawed’ outer shell. I was inspired by the German artist Kaethe Kollwitz’s print works, transfering the light shaping effect into my own video. In the first half of my expression, I put focus on individual body parts and the deconstruction of the picture with dark liquid lines. Through the destruction of the fresh roses and fruits, I tried to show the cruel side of youth. In the second half, I tried to express the confusion of showing the true-self and also the intensity of being under the spot light. The whole film has no background music and dialogues. Throughout the video, the voiceover (in Mongolian) is a poem that I have written. 该视频由查查设计拍摄,杨金编辑于2016年,体现了我对青春最精致的形式——人体的理解。讨论内在真实的自我和“有缺陷的”外在之间的平衡。 我的灵感来自德国艺术家Kaethe Kollwitz的版画作品,将光的塑造效果转换到我自己的视频中。 在我的前半部分的表达中,我把重点放在了身体的各个部位,用深色的液体线条解构画面。通过破坏新鲜的玫瑰和水果,我试图展示青春的残酷一面。在下半部分,我试图表达出展现真实自我的困惑,以及在聚光灯下的紧张。 整段影片没有背景音乐和对白。画外音(蒙语) ,是我写的一首诗并且让其贯穿始终。


