Love.Lord.Minister -Official Trailer

Love.Lord.Minister -Official Trailer2020-06-07T06:59:16+00:00

Love.Lord.Minister -Official Trailer

·剧情短片 - 悬疑1.1k播放300人气值
发布时间:2020-06-07 14:59


Project Love•Lord•Minister aims to explore the stereotypes about gender labels and raise awareness on gender identity, to change the pervasive mindset and lead the audience to think critically and in a different way. The poetic fashion film presents a person struggling with his own ego, self and super-ego, his own identity and gender labels in a different and almost opposite world. Throughout the production stages the director developed the outcome of the project; specifically, to present information concerning gender identity in a fair and non-partisan manner, allowing the audience to form their own conclusions based on several points of view. As the film was aimed at individuals who are confused about or who may wish to explore their own identity, self-cognition and self-expression, the director left it purposely ambiguous and up for interpretation.



