Ancient Legends Unleashed - The Firm at Abbey Road Studios

Ancient Legends Unleashed - The Firm at Abbey Road Studios2020-07-08T05:00:23+00:00

Ancient Legends Unleashed - The Firm at Abbey Road Studios

·短视频 - 其他1.0k播放280人气值
发布时间:2020-07-08 13:00


专辑《Ancient Legends Unleashed》制作幕后@Abbey Road Studios 交响乐专辑《Ancient Legends Unleashed》由Audio Network和The Firm Artist Collective创作并录制于Abbey Road Studios一号录音棚。The Firm的联合创始人Bob Bradley在视频中和我们分享了他和团队是如何将电子未来感、强烈的节奏和振奋人心的弦乐融合在一起创作出这一张以古神话故事为灵感的史诗乐专辑。 Come behind the scenes to take a look into the making of Ancient Legends Unleashed with The Firm’s Director and Executive Producer Bob Bradley. Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, Ancient Legends Unleashed features epic orchestral with soaring choirs, stirring strings, driving electro elements and haunting duduk, merged with futuristic, swooping sub drops over electro beats. Hear Bob Bradley give tips on what it took to make this project so epic.


