Adai - Go Home

Adai - Go Home2020-07-28T06:26:41+00:00

Adai - Go Home

·音乐/声音 - MV7.1k播放2.4k人气值
发布时间:2020-07-28 14:26


This is the first music video for Adai so it was important to tell her story, show where she’s from and feature her in a prominent way that international audiences will connect with and relate to. Adai is a friend of mine from the underground party scene in Chengdu. A year ago she mentioned to me that she was becoming a pop star, and that she wanted help making a music video. Most urban youth leave their hometowns at a young age for a variety of reasons. Either for college or work or following their dreams. Missing home is something youth across China can relate to. It’s a feeling that I can relate to as a Lao Wai living in China. It’s a universal feeling, and that feeling is what this music video is about. In a lot of ways this video is representative of Adai saying goodbye to her childhood roots as she begins her adventure making music and traveling across the world. We followed Adai as she performs the song in a variety of breathtaking locations near her hometown in Western Sichuan. The city is mostly Tibetan and it’s called Aba Xian. Her mom and dad are both in the video and we even shot in the house she grew up in. Adai has an interesting background. Her Dad is Tibetan and her mom is muslim. When they got married her dad converted. However none of this can be openly talked about because of China’s regulation of minority populations. Adai on the other hand went to international school from a young age and speaks perfect English like a foreigner. Adai is currently in lockdown in Phuket, Thailand with her producer Huzi making music everyday. 导演: Benjamin Mullinkosson 制片: 朱越琳(Zhu) 摄影师: 费艳秋 剪辑Editor: Leon Yan 调色:Simon Astbury 导演助理/Title Design: Casey Homovich 制片人: 杨洋(Y-SQUARE) 造型师: 钟梓欣 焦点员: Mike Mogler 摄影助理: 蹇艾伦(Allenjam) 张攀 Xian Chang 灯光师: Gennady Baranov 灯光助理: 鲜成, 王成武 化妆师: 陈程 艺人助理: 何忆馨 航拍师: 唐传发 司机: 苟正明, 熊华辉 平面摄影 - 王鹏 ‘Go home 作词:Suadai Lyrics Suadai 作曲:Suadai Hz Songwriter Suadai Hz 制作人:Hz producer: Hz 交响乐指挥: Orchestra leads: 乐队:曼谷交乐团 Band:Bangkok orchestra 录音棚:Studio 28 Bangkok Recording studio: Sudio28 Bangkok Island Studio Mixing&mastering: Alei 出品人:沈黎晖 Publisher:Shen Lihui 监制:申焕明 Executive Producer:Shen Huanming


