DREAM CIRCUS 夢想馬戲團 - teaser

DREAM CIRCUS 夢想馬戲團 - teaser2020-08-19T18:59:23+00:00

DREAM CIRCUS 夢想馬戲團 - teaser

·宣传片 - 影视/综艺·纪录片 - 人文/历史1.8k播放545人气值
发布时间:2020-08-20 02:594K


一個沒有動物的馬戲團,一個讓柬埔寨貧民窟的孩子們可以擁有夢想的地方。 This special circus without animals, blew me away with fabulous acrobatic skills and the combination of traditional Cambodian art when I first watched it in Siem Reap. The Phare art school, the origin of the circus, was founded to offer free art education to kids from the slums to walk out the trauma left by Khmer Rouge (one of the cruelest massacres in history). During the filming I heard the true story from the previous generation, they will never forget the bereavement even it was half a century ago. However, they have hope for the future. The kids that study here dream to be a star on the stage and change their life. Executive Producer: Dora Choi, Zhou Bing Director&Producer: Ricky Choy Editor&Colorist&Sound Design: Gareth Phillips Camera: Lin Qian Sha, Ricky Choy Soundman: Geng Yun Long Production Assistant: Joanna Xu Translator: Savatey Chan Chinese Calligraphy Design for the title: Kapo Liu History Archive:DC-Cam Presented by: RTHK


