音乐家之道 - The Art of the Artist: Nik Kershaw

音乐家之道 - The Art of the Artist: Nik Kershaw2020-11-25T04:08:41+00:00

音乐家之道 - The Art of the Artist: Nik Kershaw

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发布时间:2020-11-25 12:08


Nik Kershaw 的歌曲中充满了异想天开又极具个性化色彩的歌词,再加上旋律优美的流行曲风,娓娓讲述各种精彩纷呈的故事。80 年代,他的个人十大单曲一度轰动全球,包括《Wouldn’t it be Good》和《The Riddle》,他还曾与众多流行乐坛的大牌歌手有过合作,例如 Elton John 和 Sia。 Nik Kershaw started playing in bands at school, but exploded onto the UK pop scene in 1984 as a solo artist. A string of global hit singles – including ‘Wouldn’t it Be Good’, ‘The Riddle’ and his biggest hit, ‘I Won’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me’ – helped to propel him to 62 weeks on the UK Singles Chart through 1984 and 1985 – beating every other solo artist, and he also performed at Live Aid. A prolific songwriter, Nik wrote Chesney Hawkes’s ‘The One and Only’ and has collaborated with Elton John, Sia, Gary Barlow and Bonnie Tyler, whilst continuing to release his own well-reviewed studio albums, featuring his distinctive voice and highly personal lyrics. Nik also regularly does live gigs – particularly at 80s revival events and festivals.


