The North Face, 野练, I Train For...

The North Face, 野练, I Train For...2021-02-20T17:04:04+00:00

The North Face, 野练, I Train For...

·广告片 - 服装/时尚·广告片 - 其他1.1k播放327人气值
发布时间:2021-02-21 01:04


The spot is made up of 1385 pictures & short videos. They were taken from the social network of athlete ‘Vlad’. Thru the social network of ones life, we demonstrated the goodness of outdoor training and why I TRAIN FOR... Chinese live on social network. They share snapshots/short-videos and glance thru the Wechat-Moments (social network) all the time. Therefore we put together the social network contents of an athlete ‘Vlad’ (a trail runner who is based in China) and created it into a spot; with moments of his training for his goals; together with his company of outdoor training friends. The spot encounters the moment when he finishes 100km trail running goal in overwhelming satisfaction; and flashing back, portraying all the determination, perseverance, dirt, & sweat… And with all the friends’ motivation & joy along in the journey of his outdoor training.


