粤菜师傅故事-EP1(cooperate with SCMP)

粤菜师傅故事-EP1(cooperate with SCMP)2021-08-24T03:03:28+00:00

粤菜师傅故事-EP1(cooperate with SCMP)

·纪录片 - 人文/历史2.8k播放871人气值
发布时间:2021-08-24 11:03


Mastering Cantonese cuisine led this father out of poverty In a village in rural Guangdong province, Zhu Nengqing once struggled to put food on the table after his wife and daughter were diagnosed with serious medical issues that left the family with a mountain of hospital bills. Today, he is a certified chef serving Cantonese dishes at the farm-to-table restaurant Xueshan Linyuan Agritainment. Zhu talks about how the Guangdong government’s Cantonese Cuisine Chef Training Programme gave him a way out of poverty, the means to provide a better life for his loved ones, and new goals to pursue. Full story: https://sc.mp/on7u Director & DP / Mike. Yongxi Mai 2nd Camera / Kuanjian Peng Line Producer / Grace Yang AC / Kanguang Zhuang Editor / Zhanwen Chen Colorist / Nemo SFX / Anson


