


·剧情短片 - 文艺·剧情短片 - 其他2.2w播放1.8k人气值
发布时间:2021-08-31 15:004K


明明是个诗人,却以在livehouse拍摄乐队演出为生的李水,在酒吧遇见了粉头发的王雯,他以拍纪录片为由与王雯搭讪,得知王雯父亲失踪的消息。不久王雯找到了父亲,却已无心相认。李水沉沦于王雯的存在之中,现实、记忆、幻象之间的界限也逐渐模糊…… 关于一位现代诗人与现实生活的决裂,事关脱产于诗人笔下的女孩,事关一场缠绵悱恻后的背叛,事关视线与界限与时空的逐渐模糊。 Lee Shui, a poet who filmed the band performance in live house for a living, met the pink-haired Wang Wei in a bar. Lee tried to talk to Wang Wei for the purpose of making a documentary, and he learned of Wang Wei's father's disappearance. Soon Wang Wei found his father, but she had no heart to recognize him. Lee sank into Wang Wei's existence, and the border between reality, memory and illusion gradually blurred... About the break between a modern poet and real life, about the girl who is born out of the poet's words, about a betrayal after a tender romance, about the gradual blurring of sight, boundaries, and time and space.


