空间纪录片 | 三顿半原力飞行店

空间纪录片 | 三顿半原力飞行店2022-01-12T02:13:27+00:00

空间纪录片 | 三顿半原力飞行店

·宣传片 - 企业·纪录片 - 人文/历史2.5k播放766人气值
发布时间:2022-01-12 10:13


Into the Force: Saturnbird Flagship Store As the first flagship store of Saturnbird, a leading online coffee brand, opened in Shanghai, architect BAI Zhenqi and the founder of Saturnbird WU Ju shared the design concept of the space, one that resonates much with the vision of the brand. 空间纪录片 | 三顿半原力飞行店 头部线上咖啡品牌三顿半首次尝试概念店,空间设计由裸筑更新完成。 短片中三顿半创始人,吴骏和裸筑更新主创建筑师,柏振奇讲述了项目的开端及细节背后的困难及思考。 Producer: YUAN Yuan Director: GUO Jia Camera: GUO Jia, LI Hongtao, TANG Jie Editing: TANG Jie


