Zte Axon 30 (Molecula digital agency)

Zte Axon 30 (Molecula digital agency)2022-02-11T11:55:21+00:00

Zte Axon 30 (Molecula digital agency)

·广告片 - 互联网服务·宣传片 - 企业383播放67人气值
发布时间:2022-02-11 19:554K


Client: ZTE Creative Agency: Fastlane Production: Molecula Wechat: Olegdenysenko For more info and cases: www.molecula.agency Molecula - creative filmmakers with strategic thinking! Molecula is a digital marketing agency with in house video production and photography team. With over 6 years of experience creating remarkable content for world-class brands and successful crowdfunding campaigns. We know how to create videos that will engage your target audience, inspire action and make an impact. Our smooth and straightforward process will make you feel comfortable from start to finish. Our services helped to raise over $5M in crowdfunding campaigns. We made 100+ international projects. -Crowdfunding, Indiegogo, Kickstarter Video -Product Video Brand Promotion Video -Commercial -Advertising -3D Rendering -Photography services


