留守儿童和母亲的故事(cooperate with SCMP)

留守儿童和母亲的故事(cooperate with SCMP)2022-02-16T06:54:39+00:00

留守儿童和母亲的故事(cooperate with SCMP)

·纪录片 - 人文/历史1.7k播放565人气值
发布时间:2022-02-16 14:54


Liang Manchan did not want her daughter growing up as a “left-behind” child – the label given to children in rural China whose parents are away working in distant cities. She learned how to make a living in her home village in Guangdong province so that she would never have to leave again. Now, this mother is an inspiration to families in similar situations, helped by efforts that include an organic farming training programme.


