Talk in one’s dream

Talk in one’s dream2022-04-16T17:37:12+00:00

Talk in one’s dream

·剧情短片 - 文艺·剧情短片 - 奇幻1.2w播放1.0k人气值
发布时间:2022-04-17 01:374K


When I woke up, there was a giant electric mosquito racquet directly above my bed. The high speed of the falling mosquito racquet made me realize that I will die. Before I died, I decided to find out why the swatter was on top of my head. I began to think about three entanglements in my life: my ex-wife, my best friend Mr Wang, and a stranger. Since death was inevitable, I decided to make it clear. The film is a surrealist film aimed at exploring people's dreams and showing the world in someone’s dream. Surrealism is a style of art and the main purpose is to explore the subconscious and advocate breaking the rules of logic and the objective world. In this film, We combine surrealism with dreams and lead the audience into the surreal world.



