OPPO | The wizard

OPPO | The wizard2022-06-24T11:01:01+00:00

OPPO | The wizard

·剧情短片 - 喜剧·竖屏广告 - 手机/数码407播放69人气值
发布时间:2022-06-24 19:01


In this OPPO story-based short film, a wizard dramatically pulls out their wand, signaling that something serious is about to happen. But what follows is a playful twist on the common experience of frantically searching for a lost phone. With the wizard's cosplay and visaual effect, viewers are taken on an entertaining journey that showcases the fun and innovative spirit of OPPO. 在這部 OPPO 剧情向短片中,一名魔法师戲劇性地拔出魔杖,暗示著严重的事情即将发生。但接下来的情节却是大家熟悉的焦急寻找手机这一常见的经历。通过魔法师的cosplay和魔法把戏,观众将被带入一个有趣的旅程,展示 OPPO 活泼、创新的精神。


