获奖惊悚短片 | 窥秘人 Behind

获奖惊悚短片 | 窥秘人 Behind2022-07-31T02:44:32+00:00

获奖惊悚短片 | 窥秘人 Behind

·剧情短片 - 惊悚·剧情短片 - 剧情14.8w播放1.7w人气值
发布时间:2022-07-31 10:44


青年阿文因为缺乏灵感而写作梦想破灭。为了生存,他成为了一家地下旅馆的保洁。一天,阿文意外闯入了挂着“请勿打扫”牌子的客房,他惊讶的发现了旅客们所隐藏的秘密。阿文意识到这秘密可以赋予他写作的灵感,于是为了搜集灵感,阿文频频闯入挂着“请勿打扫”牌子的客房,探寻旅客们背后的秘密。直到有一天,他发现了一个可怕的秘密... Young Wen’s writing dream was shattered because of lack of inspiration. In order to survive, he became a janitor of an underground hotel. One day, Wen accidentally broke into a guest room with a “Do Not Clean” sign, and he was surprised to discover the secrets hidden by the guests. Wen realized that this secret could give him inspiration for writing. In order to gather inspiration, Wen frequently broke into the guest room with a “Do Not Clean” sign to explore the secrets behind the door. One day, he discovered a terrible secret... 导演/编剧 李一犁 Directors/Writers | YIli Li 总制片 李文强 Producers | Wenqiang Li 摄影指导/剪辑指导 陈星源 Director of Photography/Editor | Xingyuan Chen 美术指导 周杨杰 Production Designer | Yangjie Zhou 声音指导 陈祎 Sound Designer | Yi Chen 出品/制作 渔火影视文化传媒有限公司出品 Produced by Fishing Fire Studio


Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival - Semi-Finalist 罗德岛国际电影节 半决赛 Best Short Fest - Semi-Finalist 最佳短片祭 半决赛 Aesthetica Film Festival - Official Selection 英国美学电影节 正式评选 Urbanworld Film Festival - Official Selection 都市世界电影节 正式评选 Norwich Film Festival - Official Selection 诺维奇电影节 正式评选 New York Shorts International Film Festival - Official Selection 纽约短片电影节 正式评选 Pendance Film Festival - Official Selection 彭丹斯电影节 正式评选 Tokyo International Short Film Festival - Best Editing 东京国际短片电影节 最佳剪辑 European Cinematography AWARDS (ECA) - Best Cinematography/Best Editing/Best Sound 欧洲摄影奖 最佳摄影/最佳剪辑/最佳声音 Roma Short Film Festival - Best Cinematography 罗马短片电影节 最佳摄影 Vancouver Independent Film Festival - Best Editing 温哥华独立电影节 - 最佳剪辑 Hollywood Blood Horror Festival - Best Mystery/Best Cinematography/Best Editing/Best Sound Design 好莱坞血腥恐怖电影节 - 最佳悬疑片/最佳摄影/最佳剪辑/最佳声音设计 Golden Short Film Festival - Best Thriller 金短片电影节 - 最佳惊悚




