The Ding Qin Maker

The Ding Qin Maker2022-09-17T08:56:52+00:00

The Ding Qin Maker

·宣传片 - 人物·纪录片 - 人文/历史160播放23人气值
发布时间:2022-09-17 16:56北京


The workshop N.6 Sun Quan Wu is one of them. He spent the last 5 years to work on the creation of a new music instrument: The Ding Qin. How do you make a new music instrument? How should it sound? How should it look like? And why to start that difficult project. Definitely not without a vision and a goal in mind. This is what I’m going to try to show you in that short video. 有时候,坚持比努力更重要,信念比兴趣更重要。在孙全武的道路上,他一直为了自己的信念,在坚持着。


