That’s Just How It Goes

That’s Just How It Goes2022-10-05T14:14:35+00:00

That’s Just How It Goes

·视觉探索 - 其他12播放3人气值
发布时间:2022-10-05 22:14浙江


That’s Just How It Goes consists of two series of moving images, I miss you and Tea, and a series of digital photographs, Gum. It explores the irretrievable affection that is consumed bit by bit. Inspired by I Am Sitting in a Room by Alvin Lucier, where repeatedly recording a word eventually makes the word unrecognisable, a similar way of degradation to videos is applied in I miss you with the repeated recording and playing of a video of my eye while saying “I miss you” between a camera and laptop.[1] Gum contains seventy photos that show the process of how a gumball machine full of colorful gumballs becomes unappealing with tasteless chewed gum sticked all over it. The nature of quality loss is also showed in the series of moving images, Tea where color and taste of tea fade every time it is steeped. [1] ‘Collecting Alvin Lucier’s I Am Sitting in a Room’, Martha Joseph (20 January 2015) [Accessed 23 March 2021].


