Zen in the City

Zen in the City2022-11-26T04:17:36+00:00

Zen in the City

·宣传片 - 人物·宣传片 - 媒体446播放91人气值
发布时间:2022-11-26 12:17北京


The Workshop is a personal project focusing on artisans and the beauty of the handcraft process. More that the attachment to the final product itself this project start with the desire to show the artisanal gestures and the philosophy of the artisans. The Workshop make the portrait of people that became singular in our society. Rather they spend their entire life to perfect their skills or embrace the artisanal path after quitting their job. They all have in common this vibrant passion for well-made and beautiful products. Zhang Xue studio is located in Gulou. She chooses to offer a very different experience to her customers. But also, to live a different life in Beijing megalopolis 在鼓楼这片寸土寸金的老北京地界上,一个人、一把椅子、一面镜子、一个院子,就是张雪的发型工作室全部的配置。她在这个郁郁葱葱的院子里工作、生活、感知、修行。 走进她的院子你就走进了她的【场】,——“理发和太极最好的结合,就是当下。我的工作就是通过理发,帮助你找到当下的状态最需要的东西。”


