林俊傑 JJ Lin - Like you do

林俊傑 JJ Lin - Like you do2023-05-24T07:15:55+00:00

林俊傑 JJ Lin - Like you do

·音乐/声音 - MV153播放21人气值
发布时间:2023-05-24 15:15中国台湾


在陳亨利為林俊傑 JJ Lin執導的最新MV 『Like You Do』中,用影像詮釋著剛陷入戀情中的人們,那種身不由己,宛如著魔般的狂亂狀態。 Falling in love is one of the craziest human experiences. Your heart starts racing; your pupil widens; time flies when you're with them, yet when apart, every second feels like a century. It feels like being possessed, and the only thing you can do is surrender. ——— Production Company | LUCKYSPARKS Director | Henry Chen Executive Producer | Otis Kao Production Manager | Kiki Huang


