超重 OVERLOAD - 预告片|2018

超重 OVERLOAD - 预告片|20182023-08-08T19:45:51+00:00

超重 OVERLOAD - 预告片|2018

·剧情短片 - 悬疑·剧情短片 - 惊悚165播放26人气值
发布时间:2023-08-09 03:45美国4K


在家庭与事业的双重焦虑下努力向前的中国女留学生,被在公寓电梯中狩猎的连环凶手残害。 短片创作源于多件中国留学生在海外被虐杀案件,旨在呼吁在当下环境中,对留学生群体安全的关注。 A Chinese female international student, depressed by familial doubts and career setbacks, meets a tragic end at the hands of a serial killer who preys within the confines of the apartment building's elevator. Amidst aspirations for self-worth and the ability to provide for loved ones, the weight of disappointment and fatigue can become overwhelming, compelling individuals to summon their inner strength and resist the urge to surrender. A simple word of encouragement can hold immense significance. Yet, lurking nearby is the malevolence that can swiftly nullify all efforts. The conception of this film is driven by a harrowing reality—cases of abuse and murder involving international students. By narrating this chilling tale, the film strives to spark heightened awareness and concern for the well-being of overseas students amidst the challenges they face.


