The Silk Railroad: Trades of the Past

The Silk Railroad: Trades of the Past2023-08-15T20:41:32+00:00

The Silk Railroad: Trades of the Past

·宣传片 - 国家城市·纪录片 - 其他57播放9人气值
发布时间:2023-08-16 04:41北京


The Qin-Han pathway, two hours' drive from Chengdu, was part of the ancient Silk Road – a complex web of trails that stretched from China through Eurasia and onto places like Rome and beyond. This path was one of many that traders used to travel west to south Asia, or northwest to central Asia and from there to Europe, exchanging silk, porcelain, and tea for spices and exotic fruits.CGTN Photo About one kilometer away from the pathway lies the ancient town of Ping Le. 2,000 years ago, it was a market town where goods came and went, and where traders could stop to replenish their supplies, and exchange advice on the dangers ahead.


