我们 | Our Secret Engraved Herein

我们 | Our Secret Engraved Herein2023-10-17T08:29:44+00:00

我们 | Our Secret Engraved Herein

·剧情短片 - 爱情·剧情短片 - 文艺157播放30人气值
发布时间:2023-10-17 16:29福建4K


本片是一个时长约20分钟的长镜头,旨在使故事的真实性尽可能得以保留:小七和阿豪是一对青年恋人,刚参加工作几年的他们,终于决定好去领结婚证。就在领证的当天清晨,一场由小事引发的争吵,将二人心底埋藏已久的压力一一释放出来。最终二人将共同迎接那依然存在但尚未解决,且即将蔓延至整个漫漫婚姻之路的生活琐碎。 This is a long take short film about 20 minutes , aimed at preserving the authenticity of the story as much as possible. Qi and Hao are a pair of lovers who have just started working for a few years. One day they have finally decided to apply for a marriage certificate. But on the morning of the day, A quarrel sparked by a small matter released the pressure that had been buried in their hearts for a long time. In the end, the two of them will jointly welcome the trivial life that still exists but has not yet been resolved, and is also about to spread throughout the long journey of marriage.


