Week, Loop, Dream

Week, Loop, Dream2023-12-27T18:58:15+00:00

Week, Loop, Dream

·剧情短片 - 其他·视觉探索 - 视觉艺术196播放29人气值
发布时间:2023-12-28 02:58浙江4K


The seven days of the week cycle through the new and the old of history. The protagonist is an escapist, unsure teenager who fantasizes about having a powerful second personality, the Mirror, to protect him. But it doesn't work out that way, and the teenager continues to lose himself in the weekly repetition until reality strikes him with a blow that makes him come to his senses, face life, and bravely move on to the future. 一周七天,在历史的新和旧中不断循环往复。主人公是一位逃避现实,不自信的少年,总幻想有一个强大的第二人格“镜子”能保护自己。事与愿违,少年仍在每周的重复中迷失自己,直到现实带给他的一次打击,让他彻底清醒过来面对人生,勇敢的走向了未来。


