The Story of Hao Hao Gene Therapy Lights

The Story of Hao Hao Gene Therapy Lights2024-02-08T08:55:53+00:00

The Story of Hao Hao Gene Therapy Lights

·纪录片 - 其他·广告片 - 公益广告14播放5人气值
发布时间:2024-02-08 16:55辽宁


Content Description: Hao Hao, a 9-year-old child from Qinghai Province, accompanied by his mother, came to Shenyang He Eye Hospital for a post-operative review. The results showed that this child with Leber's congenital amaurosis had significantly improved his vision, visual field and light sensitivity after 3 months of gene therapy compared to before treatment. We record the relationship between Hao Hao and his mother to deeply feel the importance of a child's eyesight for a family. From the birth of Hao Hao, his mother has never given up on his treatment. Every time a darkroom checkup, it is his mother's song accompanied him for nine years, because of his mother's love, but also because of the technology of He Eye Hospital, so that a child with almost no possibility of restoring his eyesight, to regain his sight.


