Winter Trees

Winter Trees2024-04-01T08:46:01+00:00

Winter Trees

·短视频 - 生活记录·摄影 - 自然27播放6人气值
发布时间:2024-04-01 16:46湖南


一月的某一天,大雪纷飞,当时我正从喧嚣的城市搬回儿时居住的乡下,听到了一首名叫Winter Trees的歌,来自一个叫The Cheers Cheers的国内乐队。它的歌词很美丽,就像那天的雪景。 Winter trees 冬日的树 As you like angel wings white 如你一般 披着洁白的天使翅膀 As pure as the rose white 如纯白色的玫瑰 皎洁无瑕 Why are you so adamancy 你为何如此的坚强? You could cry and close your mind 你可以打湿你的眼睛 把心房扣上 Dear friend 亲爱的朋友 It doesn't matter if it falls on the road 当破败的树枝散落在路旁 没关系的 It doesn't matter if you run away 如果你想逃离身上的重担 也没关系的 Why are you so adamancy 你为何要假装坚强? It doesn't matter at all 一切都不再重要了


