


·剧情短片 - 悬疑2.6k播放1.6k人气值
发布时间:2015-10-03 14:30


工业高度发达严重破坏环境寸草不生 污染使全球数以万计的人丧生 无法脱离空气面罩生存人与人间又多了一层距离.母亲隔着面罩亲吻刚出生的baby 恋人相隔面罩如何表达真心 在无法亲吻孩子的情况下该如何向从未脱离面罩的新生一代解释爱的意义?Kiss恰好是这个小女孩的名字 她的父亲死于肺癌 她的名字寄托了母亲的回忆和希望她如何去探索Kiss的意义?我们追求的是爱的表象还是给我们爱的那个人? 那爱我们的人如果不具有爱的表象,我们还有能力透过重重的雾霾看到他们内心的爱吗?我们是失去了他们,还是失去了自己?In modern times, industrial development has progressed at an overwhelming pace. The air is polluted and millions of people have died of lung cancer. People can only breathe through masks; intimate human contact is very limited. The idea of a kiss is a distant memory. Green landscapes and trees are very scarce and virtually unknown. Chloe, who once led a happy life with her husband and their daughter Kiss, must now live with the grief of losing her husband to lung cancer. Kiss is a curious girl who wants to know more about how life used to be without breathing masks. Her friends at school make fun of her name. Because of this, Kiss must know the significance of her name. Her mother draws lips with lipstick on Kiss’s arm and tells her about how people used to show affection. She tells her daughter that touching lips, a kiss, was a very special way two people would express their love for one another. Kiss was desperate to understand and know the feeling of a kiss and the love is would bring. As Chloe naps and dreams of life with her husband, Kiss pulls Chloe’s breathing mask off, applies lipstick and presses her forehead to Chloe’s bare lips. For the first time, Chloe understands the love her mother so misses. Unfortunately, Chloe, now maskless, slowly slips away from life as she breathes the overwhelming toxic pollution.After 20 years, the pollution is gone. The sky has transformed and is blue once again. The environment has changed and breathing masks are no longer needed. There are green fields and tall trees. Although Kiss has lost everything she cherishes the need to hold onto the love coming from those who came before. Youtube链接https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ-Q7mvLmlQ&feature=youtu.be Vimeo链接https://vimeo.com/140850184

