


·宣传片 - 影视/综艺2.1k播放989人气值
发布时间:2016-07-15 15:07


“猜火车”,无聊的游戏,青年画家黑子的生活也许出现了一些问题,他常常会独自一人久久呆在钱江一桥下面,猜过往火车的目的地和到达的时间。 黑子的身边放着一个老旧的座钟,它没有秒针,不是很精确,时间如这时钟,含糊地存在着。火车去向哪里,黑子无从验证,他只是顾自猜着,用这件事踩着时间的表面。 火车西边去了,时间也如此轻轻地滑过黑子转瞬即逝的青春。黑子有很多话要讲,但这些话都跌入了滚滚的江水和隆隆的车声…… “Trainspotting”, a boring game, is that a young artist named HeiZi maybe has some problems in his life. He usually sitting under one bridge of Qian Jiang by himself, guesses the destination and arrival time of passing trains. There is an old desk clock besides HeiZi. It has no second hand which makes it not accurate. Time is just like the clock which exists vaguely. The train run towards west and the time gently glide the fleeting youth of HeiZi. HeiZi has a lot to say, but those words have been fall into the rolling river and rumble of wheels……

